So, I've decided that I should start to do NaNoWriMo this year. I've been wanting to do it for the past few years, but have never had the will or push to try. For those of you who have never heard of NaNoWriMo or don't know what it is, NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month. It takes placing during the month of November and the goal is to write and finish a 50,000 word novel during this month. For many, this is not a simple task. As the month goes on, you start to get tired and lazy about it, but for those who push through that procrastination, the ending satisfaction will be great. I'm looking forward to that feeling of satisfaction. We are now on Day 11 and so far I have 32,114 words. I'm hoping that as we get farther into the month, I don't put it off and not end up finishing. 19 days and 17,886 words to go. Wish me luck!
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